Abortion Is Health Care – End of Story

Abortion Is Health Care — End of Story

June 27, 2017|
By Leah Torres, M.D.

Abortion legislation is reproductive coercion.

Pregnancy is a medical condition. Call it what you will—miracle, blessing, burden, number one fear—it’s a health condition for which people seek medical and/or health care. But people, and our government, treat it like some special exception. People often say to me, “It’s not a disease, it’s a natural part of life.” Yes, well, so are bacteria, yet we call having an infection a “disease.” We cannot ignore that pregnancy alters one’s physiology and puts one’s health and life at risk due to these changes. We must accept this truth to be self evident, that pregnancy, while natural, is a condition that requires medical attention.

To say otherwise is to engage in reproductive coercion.

Continued at source: Self: http://www.self.com/story/abortion-is-health-care-end-of-story