Can faith and freedom co-exist? When faith-based health providers and women’s needs clash

Can faith and freedom co-exist? When faith-based health providers and women's needs clash

by Jon O'Brien
Editor: Caroline Sweetman
Gender & Development Volume 25 Issue 1 Fundamentalisms
28 Mar 2017
DOI: 10.1080/13552074.2017.1286808
Publisher: Oxfam GB, Routledge

Faith-based health providers are a major component of health services delivery in many developing countries, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. They receive millions of dollars annually from unilateral and bilateral aid agencies to deliver care. At the same time, they often use conservative interpretations of religious teachings to deny access to essential health care, including reproductive health care and HIV/AIDS prevention services. How can we balance the presence of faith-based providers against the rights and needs of women and other vulnerable populations to receive the care they need?

Continued at source: Oxfam: