Half Of U.K Women Who’ve Had Abortions Experienced ‘Failed Contraception’

Half Of U.K Women Who've Had Abortions Experienced 'Failed Contraception'

July 8, 2017
Rachel Moss

More than half of women who had an abortion last year were using contraception that had failed, a new report suggests.

According to data released by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (bpas), 51.2% of women who had an abortion at bpas clinics in 2016 reported using a method of contraception.

Continued at source: Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/2017/07/08/half-of-u-k-women-whove-had-abortions-experienced-failed-contr_a_23021706/?utm_hp_ref=au-homepage