Kenya: Foreign health groups cutting services after a White House decision on abortion funding

Foreign health groups cutting services after a White House decision on abortion funding

By Ike Swetlitz @ikeswetlitz
November 8, 2017

It’s been 10 years, but Melvine Ouyo remembers the girl well — a 15-year-old who came into the clinic on the verge of death. She was in shock, suffering from an infection developed after undergoing an unsafe abortion.

“They had to remove the whole uterus to be able to save the life of this girl,” Ouyo said.

Ouyo, 27 at the time, was a nurse-in-training. Now, she works at a sexual and reproductive health clinic in Nairobi, Kenya, which, for the past three years, has provided free health care — from family planning to malaria treatment — in one of the city’s poorest areas, run by an organization supported in part by money from the U.S. government.

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