Malta: The abortion debate: some demographic considerations

The abortion debate: some demographic considerations
Simon Mercieca
Monday, 8 January 2018

Two colleagues of mine, Giovanna Da Molin and Angela Carbone from the University of Bari published, in 2010, a book entitled Gli Uomini , il Tempo e la Polvere Fonti e Documenti per una storia demografica italiana (secc. XV-XXI). The book has an anthropomorphic title which in English would read People, Time and Dust: Sources and Documents for the Study of Italian Demography (XV-XXI centuries). The multi-disciplinary approach adopted by the authors is extremely pertinent to the current debate on abortion. Like most demographers, they are not at all comfortable with the rate of demographic growth in Europe. Current statistics give a gloomy picture.

Europe is in front of a demographic crisis. This time round, the crisis is not being caused by epidemics, but by our sexual mores.

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