POLAND – The rapid degradation of the rule of law in Poland: what it means for women’s sexual and reproductive rights

POLAND – The rapid degradation of the rule of law in Poland: what it means for women’s sexual and reproductive rights

Nov 9, 2018
by International Campaign for Women's Right to Safe Abortion

All downhill from here. The rapid degradation of the rule of law in Poland: what it means for women’s sexual and reproductive rights, and LGBT+ persons’ rights

by International Federation for Human Rights, November 2018

This report is the result of several months of desk-based research, combined with an international fact-finding mission conducted by the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) in Poland, on LGBT+ persons and women’s sexual and reproductive rights in the context of the degradation of the rule of law these past three years. FIDH was able to conduct approximately 20 interviews, all in Warsaw, of a wide range of actors: civil society organisations, members of the Polish government, members of the Parliament, the office of the Prosecutor, the office of the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights, associations of professionals – lawyers, doctors, teachers – and national experts.

Continued: http://www.safeabortionwomensright.org/10992-2/