Global gag rule: unsafe abortions kill one woman every two hours in India – Donald Trump will make this worse

Global gag rule: unsafe abortions kill one woman every two hours in India – Donald Trump will make this worse

The Mexico City Policy blocks US funding for global health organisations who provide or give information about safe abortions

by Katie Forster
Feb 2, 2017

Limited information and stigma stop Indian women from ending pregnancies without putting their lives in danger Getty

Abortion is legal in India, but in some areas, 80 per cent of women do not know this. Many take matters into their own hands instead, using untested herbal remedies or visiting backstreet clinics – one death every two hours is caused by unsafe abortion, research suggests.

A “lack of information, stigma, and probably knowledge of a safe facility” stops Indian women, particularly in rural areas, from ending pregnancies without putting their lives in danger, said Vinoj Manning, head of global reproductive rights charity Ipas in India.

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Source, The Independent: