USA – The Good Surprises of My Two Abortions: The Story Behind 2+ Abortions @AboboBravado

The Good Surprises of My Two Abortions: The Story Behind 2+ Abortions @AboboBravado

January 19, 2019

This is a picture of me in the moment I realized my friend Martha had orchestrated a surprise birthday party when I turned 36. The feeling of electric delight from the shock was uncontainable. I still marvel that everyone involved had been able to keep the party a secret.

But here’s the thing. I had my own secret, and it wasn’t delightful. Soon enough, my constant companion named Shame would lean in and whisper into my ear: “You had two abortions. If they knew, they wouldn’t have come to the party. They wouldn’t even want to be near you.”


This woman has recorded almost 300 abortion stories so others don’t have to feel alone

This woman has recorded almost 300 abortion stories so others don’t have to feel alone
Erin Corbett

The ‘Abortion Diary’ podcast is the support resource we need in the era of Trump.

Melissa Madera was 17 years old when she found out she was pregnant. It was the summer of 1997, right before she was about to go off to college. She decided to have an abortion.

The process was lonely, she tells the Daily Dot, because she didn’t think she knew anyone else who had been through the procedure. Unfortunately, many who decide to terminate a pregnancy report isolation, in part because of the stigmas associated with abortion—women are supposed to be ashamed to have sex and not want to raise a child—that keep them silent.

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