US servicewomen’s reproductive health coverage trails global counterparts, pro-abortion rights group study says

US servicewomen’s reproductive health coverage trails global counterparts, pro-abortion rights group study says

Published: February 13, 2018

American servicewomen receive “below average” reproductive health coverage compared to their counterparts serving in the armed forces of many other countries, according to a study released Tuesday by a pro-abortion rights group.

In particular, access to abortions by U.S. women in uniform is far more limited compared to those who serve in almost two dozen countries that researchers rated “exceptional,” from Canada and the United Kingdom to Nepal, Turkey and South Africa. The study was published by Ibis Reproductive Health, a nonprofit research organization whose website says it promotes increasing access to safe abortion as well as “expanding contraceptive access and choices” and “comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services.”


USA: Coercion Is at the Heart of Social Conservatives’ Reproductive Health Agenda

Coercion Is at the Heart of Social Conservatives’ Reproductive Health Agenda
Joerg Dreweke, Guttmacher Institute
First published online: February 7, 2018


Coercive intent and practices are at the core of social conservatives’ reproductive health agenda, including virtually every reproductive health–related initiative from the Trump administration and social conservatives in Congress over the past year.
Coercion can take many forms, including withholding information, obstructing access to health services or providers, attempting to ban services outright and empowering third parties to impose their views on others.
Such coercive measures particularly target people who are in vulnerable positions, for instance because of their immigration status, youth or lack of financial resources.
