Jamaica – Abortion war needs dose of compassion

Abortion war needs dose of compassion

by Christopher Tufton, Minister of Health
Published: Sunday, October 28, 2018

Our consideration of abortion in Jamaica has, for too long, been characterised by contention and an apparent lack of empathy for those directly affected.

The result has been that there are vulnerable people who have been denied the space to express themselves on the issue, leaving some of us in the dark on the precise circumstances with which they are faced.

Continued: http://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/focus/20181028/christopher-tufton-abortion-war-needs-dose-compassion

Jamaica – Health ministry developing sexual and reproductive health policy

Health ministry developing sexual and reproductive health policy

Thursday, October 25, 2018

KINGSTON, Jamaica — The Ministry of Health is pursuing the development of a Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy, which will create a framework for identifying effective strategies to reduce maternal mortality rates.

The framework will focus on strengthening the linkages between obstetric and non-communicable disease programmes and review the Ministry's capacity within the health sector to respond effectively to cases of unsafe abortions.

Continued: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/latestnews/Health_ministry_developing_sexual_and_reproductive_health_policy