Fact check: Does one in every five pregnancies in England end in abortion?

Fact check: Does one in every five pregnancies in England end in abortion?
Save the 8th makes claims about English abortion regime on posters

May 1, 2018
Sarah Bardon


Does one in every five pregnancies in the UK end in an abortion?
Who is making the claim?

The Save the 8th campaign, which opposes the repeal of the Eighth Amendment, makes the claim on one of the group’s posters and in other campaign material. It states that, in England, 1 in 5 babies is aborted. The campaign uses the word “babies” as it considers that life begins at the moment of conception.

Continued: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/fact-check-does-one-in-every-five-pregnancies-in-england-end-in-abortion-1.3480584