U.S.: Heather Heyer Was The Alt-Right’s Worst Nightmare

Heather Heyer Was The Alt-Right's Worst Nightmare

There's a reason the far right has attacked Heyer's memory so viciously.

08/16/2017 12:40 EDT | Updated 6 hours ago
Chloe Angyal, Senior Front Page Editor, HuffPost

The neo-Nazis at the Daily Stormer have nothing nice to say about Heather Heyer, the 32-year-old paralegal who was killed by a white supremacist protester in Charlottesville last weekend.

Andrew Anglin, the editor of the Daily Stormer, wasted no time in defaming Heyer, writing an editorial shortly after her death in which he excoriated her appearance and called her “drain on society.” Anglin also noted Heyer’s marital and parental status, calling her a “fat, childless, 32-year-old slut,” claiming that her failure to marry and have children meant that she had “no value.”

Continued at link: Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/heather-heyer-was-the-alt-rights-worst-nightmare_us_59946c02e4b04b193362484b