USA – Crisis Pregnancy Centers: Money for Nothing

Crisis Pregnancy Centers: Money for Nothing
Despite unprecedented taxpayer investment, state-funded crisis pregnancy centers deliver few services

By Mary Tuma
Fri., July 20, 2018

"They won't tell you this wherever they do these things, but it's a very big risk. You may never be able to conceive children. There's about a 90% chance you may never be able to have children down that road."

That was one of the misleading and deceptive messages imparted to Laura Gor­sky and Breanne Wenke by crisis pregnancy center counselors during a March visit to the TruCare pregnancy resource center in South Austin. While there, Gorsky and Wenke were also sold a slew of other medically unproven information about abortion, including negative mental side effects and emotional distress, false claims debunked by the American Psychological Association. The procedure, they were warned, was "very painful," and they would "hear the vacuum sucking the fetus out."
