Young Age Abortions have been Increased in the part of Latin America

Young Age Abortions have been Increased in the part of Latin America

Mar 21, 2019
Bill Mist

Latin America is the most restrictive region in the world in terms of the criminalization of abortion, so compared to the neighbors, we Colombians are lucky because since 2006 abortion was recognized as a right. In Colombia, for 13 years, the voluntary interruption of pregnancy is legal under three reasons: rape, malformation incompatible with extrauterine life and when pregnancy puts at risk the physical or mental health of the woman.

Forced pregnancies and maternity endanger the physical and mental health of women, adolescents and girls, their life project and fundamental rights such as the right to decide when and how to have a family, the free development of personality and dignity human that is why all voluntary interruptions of pregnancy are framed in the mental health cause. Although the Constitutional Court has reiterated that abortion in Colombia is a right, it remains in the Penal Code for two reasons.
