USA – Anti-Choice March for Life Attempts Pivot to Science

Anti-Choice March for Life Attempts Pivot to Science

By Ella Cerón
Jan 18, 2019

Anti-choice activists convened in Washington, D.C., today at the annual March for Life protest that condemns access to abortion services. This year, the March took on a new theme: Their movement, as they’re now describing it, is “pro-science.”

Specifically, the organization is arguing that scientific research shows that life begins at conception – though their methodology is highly suspect. The Washington Post reports that the organizers used two “scientific papers” to bolster their claim that zygotes are living beings; one was written by an anti-abortion group, and the other came from the American College of Pediatricians, a socially conservative advocacy group that the Southern Poverty Law Center describes as “a fringe anti-LGBT hate group that masquerades as the premier U.S. association of pediatricians.”
