Will Brazil’s Congress Turn Its Back on Women and Girls?

Will Brazil’s Congress Turn Its Back on Women and Girls?
New Law Would Ban Abortion in Cases of Rape, Health Risk

Margaret Wurth
November 10, 2017

Hundreds of women have died in Brazil from unsafe abortion in recent years. Yet on Wednesday evening, 18 members of a committee in Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies – all men – voted in favor of a dangerous new constitutional amendment that, if enacted, could drive those numbers higher. The only vote against was a woman’s.

The new amendment would prohibit abortion under any circumstances. The current law in Brazil allows abortion if the life of the woman is at risk, if the pregnancy resulted from rape, or if the fetus has anencephaly – a fatal congenital brain disorder.

Continued at source: https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/11/10/will-brazils-congress-turn-its-back-women-and-girls