Polarised Argentine senate set to vote on legalising abortion

Tuesday, 29 Dec 2020

A polarised Senate will decide today whether to legalise abortion in Argentina in a vote experts say could go either way.

The bill proposed by President Alberto Fernandez already passed the Chamber of Deputies on December 11, despite fierce opposition from the Catholic Church and evangelical Christians.

"I'm Catholic but I have to legislate for everyone. Every year around 38,000 women are taken to hospital due to (clandestine) abortions and since the restoration of democracy (in 1983) more than 3,000 have died of this," said President Fernandez.

Continued: https://www.rte.ie/news/2020/1229/1186787-argentina-abortion-vote/

Argentina’s leftist president-elect reignites abortion debate

Argentina's leftist president-elect reignites abortion debate

Issued on: 23/11/2019
Buenos Aires (AFP)

The inauguration of Argentina's president-elect Alberto Fernandez next month has reignited a debate over the legalization of abortion, a year after conservatives narrowly blocked its decriminalization, leaving the country bitterly divided over the issue.

Fernandez, a leftist Peronist, pledged last week he would move to legalize abortion as soon as the new government takes over on December 10.

Continued: https://www.france24.com/en/20191123-argentina-s-leftist-president-elect-reignites-abortion-debate