Malta – We aid and abet abortion

People call the free Abortion Doula Service because they know they will receive abortion advice according to best practice

Christopher Barbara, Natalie Psaila and Isabel Stabile
Nov 20, 2023

We refer to ‘Inciting murder of the unborn” (October 6) in which senior colleagues call for the police to investigate us for providing information and support to those persons in Malta who seek an abortion. This is preposterous.

We have absolutely no qualms letting people know exactly how to order pills online, how to take them and what complications are possible as well as the precautions they need to take to avoid them.  We do this because we are medical professionals and are obliged to provide every support possible to any person that needs our help.


Malta – Letter to the editor – Health at risk

January 19, 2022
Christopher Barbara, obo Doctors for Choice – St Julian’s

John Pace (January 11) called me “malicious” and a “bad loser” for asking for the decriminalisation of abortion in Malta. Such insults do not deserve a reply but I will address his false claim that Malta’s abortion law is a “successful deterrent”.

It is not. Because in the age where everyone has access to the internet, or knows someone who has, it only takes a few seconds of online searching to learn that abortion pills can be purchased and delivered to Malta and can successfully end an early pregnancy at home. Before abortion pills could be delivered through online telemedicine, women in Malta used to be regularly referred to legal or not-so-legal clinics abroad.


Malta – Abortion is a woman’s right

Abortion is a woman’s right

Apr 20, 2020
Christopher Barbara, Gilbert Gravino, Jamie Grech, Elena Saliba, Isabel Stabile|

In his opinion piece entitled ‘Charity Saves Lives’, (Times of Malta, April 13) Klaus Vella Bardon wrote “Doctors for Choice feel that, instead of offering support to these women... we should offer them the choice of abortion.”

Yes, women in Malta deserve the same right to determine their futures and decide when to become mothers, as do women in the vast majority of countries worldwide where abortion is legal. Our message is clear: abortion rights are women’s rights. This should be part of the support that’s offered to women.
