Polarised Argentine senate set to vote on legalising abortion

Tuesday, 29 Dec 2020

A polarised Senate will decide today whether to legalise abortion in Argentina in a vote experts say could go either way.

The bill proposed by President Alberto Fernandez already passed the Chamber of Deputies on December 11, despite fierce opposition from the Catholic Church and evangelical Christians.

"I'm Catholic but I have to legislate for everyone. Every year around 38,000 women are taken to hospital due to (clandestine) abortions and since the restoration of democracy (in 1983) more than 3,000 have died of this," said President Fernandez.

Continued: https://www.rte.ie/news/2020/1229/1186787-argentina-abortion-vote/

ARGENTINA – Newly elected president calls for legalisation of abortion before he is elected

ARGENTINA – Newly elected president calls for legalisation of abortion before he is elected

by International Campaign for Women's Right to Safe Abortion
Nov 1, 2019

“Two weeks before Argentina’s elections, a group of female congressional candidates addressed a euphoric crowd that had travelled from across the country to the town of La Plata for a 200,000-woman weekend of feminist strategy workshops and marches,” writes Foreign Policy. The elections this month included several “outspoken feminist candidates”, while protests against gender-based killing of women, national women’s strikes, and a “campaign that saw abortion nearly legalised in the National Congress last year” amount to what is being called “the revolution of the daughters”.

The administration of former president Macri expanded telephone hotline assistance for gender-based violence and free access to long-lasting birth control methods, built more than 240 new daycares, and established Argentina’s first daily television programme devoted to gender equality. After the Macri administration introduced a campaign to reduce unwanted teenage pregnancy, teen births in Argentina dropped 12% in two years.

Continued: http://www.safeabortionwomensright.org/argentina-newly-elected-president-calls-for-legalisation-of-abortion-before-he-is-elected/

Abortion divides voters as Argentina heads to polls

Abortion divides voters as Argentina heads to polls

Issued on: 26/10/2019

While the economy dominated the agenda in Argentina ahead of Sunday’s elections, abortion rights divided voters and the two main candidates in the presidential race.

In the thick of the campaign season, Argentine women have donned green handkerchiefs, a symbol of the country’s abortion rights movement. They have dressed as Eva Péron, Argentina’s iconic former first lady, to commemorate the suffragette movement anniversary and put a spotlight on a feminist agenda. As Argentina goes to the polls on Sunday, the economy tops the agenda of voter concerns in a country that has slid into a recession. But the green handkerchief wave has proved that many female and young voters remain concerned about reproductive rights even if some of their politicians would rather steer clear of the acrimonious debates the issue sparks in Argentina.

Continued: https://www.france24.com/en/20191026-abortion-divides-voters-as-argentina-heads-to-polls

This is why Argentina did not legalize abortion this week

This is why Argentina did not legalize abortion this week

by Julia María Rubio
August 11, 2018

After months of debates and a close favorable vote by the Argentine House in June, the Argentine Senate has voted down a bill that would have legalized abortion. Despite House support and a large feminist mobilization on behalf of the bill, the Senate — which over-represents the votes of rural and conservative constituencies — rejected the bill, 38 to 31.

Here are five things to know about the politics of legalizing abortion in Argentina.

Continued: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2018/08/11/this-is-why-argentina-did-not-legalize-abortion-this-week/?utm_term=.6f4229f49515

Argentine abortion bill loses momentum after senator pulls support

Argentine abortion bill loses momentum after senator pulls support

August 07 2018
Reuters/Buenos Aires

Prospects faded over the weekend for a bill that would legalise abortion in Argentina, when an opposition senator said she had changed her mind and would vote against the measure when it is brought to the floor on Wednesday. The proposal, which would expand abortion rights beyond current laws that allow the procedure only in cases of rape or when the mother’s health is at risk, passed the lower house last month by 129 votes to 125.

Since then religious activists, particularly in rural parts of the country, have pushed back against the measure, which is backed by feminists and rights groups galvanised in recent years by efforts to stop violence against women. The bill would make Argentina the third country in Latin American to broadly legalise abortion, after Uruguay and Cuba.

Continued: http://www.gulf-times.com/story/602034/Argentine-abortion-bill-loses-momentum-after-senator-pulls-support