Croatian women show the middle finger to abortion remarks

Croatian women show the middle finger to abortion remarks

By News from Elsewhere... found by BBC Monitoring
24 June 2020

Croatian politicians were left in no doubt about the strength of feeling on the subject of abortion in the country, after remarks in pre-election debates prompted a backlash visualised by perhaps the most defiant gestures of all - the middle finger.

Miroslav Skoro of the Homeland Movement and Goran Jandrokovic of the ruling Croatian Democratic Union, both right-of-centre political forces, agreed on the issue in a TV programme ahead of the parliamentary election in July.


Election Campaigners’ Attacks on Abortion Draw Condemnation in Croatia

Election Campaigners’ Attacks on Abortion Draw Condemnation in Croatia
Responding to condemnations of abortion in the election campaign, women’s rights activists and a government minister have called them “unacceptable” and “barbaric”.

Anja Vladisavljevic, Zagreb
June 18, 2020

Strong condemnations of abortion – even when accessed by rape victims – by candidates in the upcoming parliamentary elections scheduled for July 5 have drawn an angry reaction from supporters of women’s right to choose.

In a video debate on Wednesday, organised by the daily Vecernji list, Goran Jandrokovic, from the ruling conservative Croatian Democratic Union, HDZ, and the nationalist singer Miroslav Skoro, leader of the new right-wing Homeland Movement, expressed hostile views to all abortions – both agreeing that “life begins with conception”.
