Abortion divides voters as Argentina heads to polls

Abortion divides voters as Argentina heads to polls

Issued on: 26/10/2019

While the economy dominated the agenda in Argentina ahead of Sunday’s elections, abortion rights divided voters and the two main candidates in the presidential race.

In the thick of the campaign season, Argentine women have donned green handkerchiefs, a symbol of the country’s abortion rights movement. They have dressed as Eva Péron, Argentina’s iconic former first lady, to commemorate the suffragette movement anniversary and put a spotlight on a feminist agenda. As Argentina goes to the polls on Sunday, the economy tops the agenda of voter concerns in a country that has slid into a recession. But the green handkerchief wave has proved that many female and young voters remain concerned about reproductive rights even if some of their politicians would rather steer clear of the acrimonious debates the issue sparks in Argentina.

Continued: https://www.france24.com/en/20191026-abortion-divides-voters-as-argentina-heads-to-polls