Need to pay attention to India’s illegal abortions

Need to pay attention to India’s illegal abortions

Over 75 per cent abortions estimated to occur in India annually are done bereft of health facilities and around 5-7 per cent abortions that are done outside licensed facilities use other methods that are possibly dangerous. The figure may be higher as non-institutionalised abortions cannot be recorded. The situation is even worse for single and divorced women and those living in rural regions, reports Subhangi Singh

By Tehelka
June 18, 2018

A dozen women are sitting around a lavish living room in Chandigarh, full of bubbling chatter and cocktail flutes. A gripping game called ‘Never Have I Ever’ is in full swing. Nina (name changed) raises her glass and declares, “Never have I ever had an abortion!” The room suddenly falls silent and everybody, except Nina, takes a sip from their respective glasses. It is a kitty party. Most of the women are married. The conversation invariably veers towards recurrent abortions in married and divorced women. Nina whispers that Shehnaz (name changed) tops the list as “she keeps having these abortions now and then.”
