YouTube Just Banned a Popular Anti-Abortion Channel for COVID Conspiracies

One of its videos featured a doctor who called the pandemic “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.”

By Carter Sherman

YouTube has banned LifeSiteNews, an anti-abortion outlet that bills itself as the “#1 pro-life news website,” for repeatedly sharing videos that spread misinformation about COVID-19 and the vaccines against it.

“In accordance with our longstanding strikes system, we terminated the channel LifeSiteNews Media for repeatedly violating our COVID-19 misinformation policy, which prohibits content that promotes prevention methods that contradict local health authorities or WHO,” Ivy Choi, a YouTube spokesperson, told VICE News in an email.


Abortion and the Covid-19 vaccine

There is a false moral controversy that is only of interest to the Vatican in its global crusade against legal pregnancy terminations

04 JAN 2021

Even when addressing a global emergency like the Covid-19 pandemic, the Catholic Church clings to its usual fanaticism by couching abortion as a more pressing moral concern than the possibility of saving hundreds of thousands of lives.

The trouble this time are cell lines drawn from a kidney and a cornea which have been grown in laboratories since the 1970s and 1980s. During this time they have served to produce drug treatments for such grueling disorders as hemophilia, rheumatoid arthritis and cystic fibrosis, as well as vaccines against chicken pox, hepatitis A, rubella, and shingles. But what is it about these cell lines that bothers the Catholic Church’s male leadership so much, especially US and Canadian bishops?   The origin of the lines: samples from the kidney and cornea of two aborted fetuses.


USA – Fetal tissue research targeted by abortion foes inside administration

Fetal tissue research targeted by abortion foes inside administration

By Lenny Bernstein, Amy Goldstein and Lena H. Sun
December 12 2018

Two years into an administration that describes itself as “pro-life and pro-science,” the use of fetal tissue in scientific research has become the next skirmish in the nation’s half-century-old abortion wars.

This time, however, scientists who depend on cells from aborted human fetuses face not just a cadre of determined antiabortion activists but sympathetic officials within the government itself, from Vice President Pence to key officials in the Department of Health and Human Services.


USA – Fight over fetal tissue splits HHS, anti-abortion allies

Fight over fetal tissue splits HHS, anti-abortion allies
Groups play hardball to end $100 million-plus in federally funded medical research.


Anti-abortion groups — normally staunch allies of the Trump administration — have turned their fire on the health department, accusing the agency of being complicit in abortions by refusing to end research projects using fetal tissue.

The simmering fight spilled into public view on Monday night, as HHS abruptly terminated one longstanding contract with a fetal tissue provider while opening an audit of all federally funded research and practices related to fetal tissue, which is mostly obtained from abortions.
