Why did images of early pregnancy cause such a social media firestorm?

Most people don’t know what early pregnancy actually looks like. That complicates abortion discussions.

Nov 3, 2022

When Jessica Valenti first decided to share photos of what an early pregnancy looks like on TikTok, she knew that the images would cause a stir. Since the official fall of Roe v. Wade, Valenti has become a devoted abortion rights commentator, offering daily updates about the current state of abortion rights through her newsletter, Abortion Every Day. Over the course of the project, Valenti has attracted her fair share of trolls and angry commentary — but none of it prepared her for the response to her TikTok on early pregnancy on October 19th.

She expected that she’d get some right-wing pushback — maybe some anti-abortion types who’d insist that if you zoomed in on the photos of amorphous pregnancy tissue, you’d actually get a glimpse of a tiny person. What she did not expect was how many people — many identifying as pro-choice — would flood her comments insisting that the photos she’d shared were fake, that they’d been digitally altered to look less human, and that she was spreading misinformation that would only hurt groups that support abortion rights.

Continued: https://www.theverge.com/2022/11/3/23435111/early-pregnancy-abortion-tiktok-social-media-images

PETA Does Not Want You to Eat (Human) Babies

PETA's support of anti-abortion activist David Daleiden can only mean one thing: no more cannibalism. We reached out to Armie Hammer for comment.

Mar 16, 2021
Brooke Knisley

It’s official: PETA wants us to stop
consuming the tissue of pre-born babies—and they’re not just talking about
bird, fish, and platypus eggs.

Six years after the 2015 release of an illegal recording of Planned
Parenthood’s senior director of medical services Dr. Deborah Nucatola
discussing the costs associated with donating legally released and obtained
human tissue to researchers, we finally get the input we’ve been waiting for
from the ultimate authority on human rights and privileges: People for the
Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Continued: https://rewirenewsgroup.com/article/2021/03/16/peta-does-not-want-you-to-eat-human-babies/

America’s abortion debate is being defined by Fox News

America’s abortion debate is being defined by Fox News
A new study shows how the network dominates coverage of abortion — and sets the agenda other networks follow.

By Anna North
Sep 23, 2019

Something strange happened to the abortion debate earlier this year.

Politicians, media outlets, and ordinary people began talking about “post-birth” or “fourth-trimester” abortion, claiming that doctors in America are killing babies after they’re born. This would be murder, not abortion, and it’s already illegal in every state. No abortion-rights group supports this.

Continued: https://www.vox.com/2019/9/23/20875531/fox-news-abortion-cnn-msnbc-virginia

USA – Fight over fetal tissue splits HHS, anti-abortion allies

Fight over fetal tissue splits HHS, anti-abortion allies
Groups play hardball to end $100 million-plus in federally funded medical research.


Anti-abortion groups — normally staunch allies of the Trump administration — have turned their fire on the health department, accusing the agency of being complicit in abortions by refusing to end research projects using fetal tissue.

The simmering fight spilled into public view on Monday night, as HHS abruptly terminated one longstanding contract with a fetal tissue provider while opening an audit of all federally funded research and practices related to fetal tissue, which is mostly obtained from abortions.

Continued: https://www.politico.com/story/2018/09/28/abortion-health-fetal-tissue-809829