Abortion in New Zealand and How We Got Here

Abortion in New Zealand and How We Got Here
Untangling the criminal history of abortions in New Zealand shows our laws have long been out of step with society.

by Laetitia Laubscher
Nov 27 2018

Abortion is legal in New Zealand but to get one most women have to lie.

In the year to June 2017, New Zealanders had 13,285 abortions, about one-fifth of all known pregnancies that year. The overwhelming majority were obtained through the circuitous, ambiguously legal method that exists in New Zealand—a system criticised by the United Nations for being an arbitrary, discriminatory mess.

Continued: https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/wj3jmx/abortion-in-new-zealand-and-how-we-got-here

New Zealand – Abortion group says legislation is ‘altering too quick’

Abortion group says legislation is ‘altering too quick’

By Marta Subat
on November 4, 2018

A group of women who have had abortions have spoken out to caution the prime minister on law reform.

It follows a report back by the Law Commission that recommended ways to decriminalise abortion.

Continued: http://infosurhoy.com/cocoon/saii/xhtml/en_GB/news/abortion-group-says-legislation-is-altering-too-quick/

New Zealand – MPs tread cautiously around abortion legislation

MPs tread cautiously around abortion legislation

Radio New Zealand Wednesday
31 October 2018
Jo Moir, Political Reporter

The Law Commission has reported back on ways to modernise abortion legislation - all of which would decriminalise it - but MPs are taking their time to make up their minds.

In February, Justice Minister Andrew Little asked for advice on how to take abortion out of the Crimes Act and make it a health matter.

Continued: http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL1810/S00152/mps-tread-cautiously-around-abortion-legislation.htm

New Zealand – Abortion not a crime if Labour delivers on law change

Abortion not a crime if Labour delivers on law change
Abortion will be decriminalised if any of three models proposed by the Law Commission are adopted.

26 October 2018
Jo Moir, Political Reporter

Justice Minister Andrew Little asked the Law Commission to provide advice on how to take abortion out of the Crimes Act and make it a health matter.

The alternative approaches include no statutory test for an abortion to take place, a statutory test performed by one health practitioner, and a statutory test performed only after 22 weeks of pregnancy.

Continued: https://www.radionz.co.nz/news/national/369524/abortion-not-a-crime-if-labour-delivers-on-law-change

New Zealand – ALRANZ Analysis: The Law Commission Reports Back

ALRANZ Analysis: The Law Commission Reports Back

Thursday, October 25, 2018

During the last election campaign Jacinda Ardern declared her intention to reform New Zealand’s abortion laws by decriminalising the procedure, and changing the law to treat abortion as a health matter.

Last February, her Minister of Justice, Andrew Little, directed the Law Commission to report back to him in eight months with options for abortion law reform.
The Law Commission has finally reported back to the Minister. Their report contains three options for the reform of New Zealand’s abortion laws.

Continued: https://www.facebook.com/notes/alranz/alranz-analysis-the-law-commission-reports-back/10157838795719027/

New Zealand’s ‘degrading’ abortion ban breaches human rights, say activists

New Zealand's 'degrading' abortion ban breaches human rights, say activists
Advocacy group lays discrimination complaint with country’s rights commission over criminalisation of terminations

Eleanor Ainge Roy in Dunedin
Mon 8 Oct 2018

An abortion advocacy group in New Zealand has laid a discrimination complaint alleging New Zealand’s strict abortion laws breach the human rights of pregnant people, and subject them to “ritual humiliation”.

As experts prepare to hand down a major review into the country’s controversial abortion laws later this month, ALRANZ Abortion Rights Aotearoa has teamed up with five women who have experienced difficulties and emotional pain in accessing abortions in bringing their complaint to the country’s human rights commission.

Continued: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/oct/08/new-zealands-degrading-abortion-ban-breaches-human-rights-say-activists

New Zealand – Big Read: Abortion law reform – what’s at stake?

Big Read: Abortion law reform - what's at stake?
17 Jun, 2018
20 minutes to read
By: Dawn Picken

Abortion is in the spotlight again, after voters in Ireland voted overwhelmingly late last month to overturn the largely Catholic country's ban by 66.4 per cent to 33.6 per cent. The Emerald Isle's referendum comes as a law commission in New Zealand considers removing abortion from the Crimes Act. Bay of Plenty Times Weekend reporter Dawn Picken spoke with advocates, activists and women who've had or considered abortions about what decriminalising the procedure means to them.

*note: names of women who've had abortions have been changed to protect privacy.
Heartbreaking Pregnancy

Tania and Scott were thrilled when they learned they were pregnant with their second child. Everything was going well when the couple went for their 20-week ultrasound to learn the baby's sex. It was a boy, says Tania.

Continued: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12070558

New Zealand – Terry Bellamak: Law commission has its work cut out on abortion

Terry Bellamak: Law commission has its work cut out on abortion
6 Apr, 2018
NZ Herald
By: Terry Bellamak

In February the Minister of Justice, Andrew Little, asked the Law Commission to undertake a review of New Zealand's abortion laws in order to transform abortion from a criminal matter to a health matter. It's a big job. It amounts to nothing less than reconceptualising abortion in the eyes of the law.

It is also a huge opportunity to bring relief to pregnant people who will be consumers of this service in the future.

Continued: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12026649

New Zealand – Labour moves to legalise abortion

Labour moves to legalise abortion

FEBRUARY 16, 2018
Thomas Coughlan

Andrew Little today fired the starting gun on reforming New Zealand's decades-old abortion laws, confirming that he had sent a draft referral to the two other governing parties for their comment. Thomas Coughlan reports on what to expect from the law change.

Andrew Little surprised observers today when he revealed that a draft referral on reforming New Zealand's abortion law had been circulated to New Zealand First and the Greens. Little said today that he received a letter from Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern after the coalition was formed directing him to begin the process of reforming the law. Once the two parties give feedback, the referral will be sent to the Law Commission to make a recommendation.

Continued: https://www.newsroom.co.nz/2018/02/15/89105/labour-moves-to-legalise-abortion

New Zealand – Abortion watchdog wants changes to the law but says nobody is listening

Abortion watchdog wants changes to the law but says nobody is listening

Jo Moir
Feb 15, 2018

The Abortion watchdog says it hasn't had a Justice Minister consult with it for years despite pleas for law changes.

It's been at least three years since the Abortion Supervisory Committee (ASC) was spoken to - the last time was when former National MP Chester Borrows was associate justice minister in October 2014.

Continued: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/101481019/abortion-watchdog-want-changes-to-the-law-but-say-nobody-is-listening