What Will Happen If Abortion Is Banned In The U.S.? Just Look At These Countries.

What Will Happen If Abortion Is Banned In The U.S.? Just Look At These Countries.

Andrea González-Ramírez
July 3, 2018

"We use the phrase in Latin America," Paula Avila-Guillen, a human rights expert and director of Latin America Initiatives for the Women’s Equality Center told Refinery29, "'Las ricas abortan, las pobres mueren.' [Rich women have abortions, poor women die.]"

Many anti-abortion advocates believe that outlawing the procedure will stop women from trying to terminate their pregnancies, but research has shown over and over again that this isn't true.

Continued: https://www.refinery29.com/2018/07/203412/abortion-illegal-impact-latin-america-united-states