The Next Battleground for Abortion Rights: Morocco

The Next Battleground for Abortion Rights: Morocco
The North African country is emerging as a key battleground on abortion, with an increasingly assertive movement seeking a break with conservative laws.

By Alice Morrison
Sept 23 2019

It’s midnight and moonless as a group of women gathers outside the Ministry of Health in Rabat, Morocco. They have assembled to wage war on Morocco’s abortion laws, which prohibit abortion in all cases except when the life of the mother is in immediate danger. Their weapon of choice? Sanitary towels covered in fake blood and slogans they affix to the walls of the ministry.

“No uterus — no opinion.”
“My body, my rules.”
“Abortion for all — women decide.”


MOROCCO – Action at Ministry of Health by the Moroccan Alternative Movement for Individual Freedoms (MALI)

MOROCCO – Action at Ministry of Health by the Moroccan Alternative Movement for Individual Freedoms (MALI)

by International Campaign for Women's Right to Safe Abortion
June 19, 2019

MALI is a feminist, universalist, secularist and pro-choice movement fighting for abortion rights. MALI held a protest action in Rabat in the evening of 24 April 2019. A French web TV station was there to film it as part of the 6th episode of a video series entitled “L’IVG c’est sacré” (Abortion, it’s sacred), made by a group of young women called Clit Revolution, who come from a number of different countries.

The MALI protest was against the failure of the parliament to reform the abortion law. They went at night to the Ministry of Health in Rabat, and put sanitary pads covered in slogans about abortion and with fake blood on the walls of the Ministry as a symbolic protest. The sanitary pads contained feminist messages such as: “My body, my rules,” “My vulva, my uterus, my decision,” and “The right to abort is a fundamental freedom.” A night guard took them down almost immediately but at least they were filmed first. There was also an interview with Betty Lachgar of MALI and comments from the group about the situation in other countries too.

The slogan of the protest was Mon Corps, Mes Règles (My Body, My Rules). (Règles means both menstruation and rules in French).

SOURCE: Morocco World News, by Margot Eliason, 1 May 2019 ; VIDEO by Clit Revolution, France TV, 16 May 2019 (contains some sexually explicit scenes in the first few minutes…)


Moroccan feminist activist arrested amid abortion campaign

Moroccan feminist activist arrested amid abortion campaign

A prominent Moroccan feminist activist has been arrested for alleged public drinking and disturbance of order, in what her association called an attempt to quash its campaigning for abortion access and LGBT rights.

An online campaign was launched soon after Ibtissam Lachgar's arrest on Friday in Rabat, demanding her release.
