Abortion: Everything a Woman in India Needs to Know

Deepika Singhania
27 November 2020

Abortion. Even saying the word out loud in public might elicit a death stare or two.

This medical procedure has a horde of myths and misunderstandings surrounding it, almost a taboo for many women.

Continued: https://in.makers.yahoo.com/abortion-everything-a-woman-in-india-needs-to-know-030011821.html

Indian Women Are Fighting Stigma by Sharing Their Personal Abortion Stories

Indian Women Are Fighting Stigma by Sharing Their Personal Abortion Stories
The My Body My Choice campaign is creating a safe space through which abortion can be discussed and understood openly by women in India.

by Meera Navlakha
20 November 2019

“I had just turned 26, my partner was without a job [and] I was struggling to figure out life,” said one anonymous woman in a post released on Instagram by the My Body My Choice campaign. She explains how she found out she was pregnant, after days of feeling dizzy. “What began after that was an excruciating process of figuring out how, when and where to seek an abortion.”

“My stomach would cramp all of a sudden and I’d feel the deepest sense of loss,” said another woman, describing her abortion story.

Continued: https://www.vice.com/en_in/article/vb5aaj/indian-women-are-fighting-stigma-by-sharing-their-personal-abortion-stories