Women serving decades-long prison terms for abortion in El Salvador hope change is coming

Women serving decades-long prison terms for abortion in El Salvador hope change is coming

By Anna-Catherine Brigida
September 27, 2018

SAN SALVADOR — Alba Lorena Rodríguez was five months pregnant when she started to feel sharp pains in her stomach while at home in December 2009. She fainted. When she awoke, she says, she realized she had lost her baby.

Rodríguez, now 39, says she had a miscarriage. But the state accused her of killing the fetus, and she was convicted of aggravated homicide in a suspected abortion case. She denies having an abortion and says she mourned her miscarriage.

Continued: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/women-serving-decades-long-prison-terms-for-abortion-in-el-salvador-hope-change-is-coming/2018/09/26/0048119e-a62c-11e8-ad6f-080770dcddc2_story.html?utm_term=.24ab690d1e6b&wpisrc=nl_todayworld&wpmm=1