Easy access to ‘morning-after’ pill vital for women’s rights

November 7, 2020

The government is weighing plans to allow over-the-counter access to emergency contraceptive pills without a doctor’s prescription.

The proposal, which is expected to be part of the government's fifth basic plan to promote gender equality set to start next fiscal year, would help prevent unwanted pregnancies and protect the rights of women.

Continued:   http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/13909166

USA – With abortion clinic restrictions tightening, women want more access at home

With abortion clinic restrictions tightening, women want more access at home
Medication abortion likely meets the FDA criteria for OTC use, but women are still required to get it at a clinic

by Antonia Biggs • Daniel Grossman
November 28, 2018

The website Aid Access recently began offering women in the U.S. the option to obtain an abortion in the privacy of their own homes. U.S. women who are unable to overcome the significant barriers to accessing abortion in a health care setting or prefer the convenience and privacy of home-based care can use the site to purchase a medication abortion product online. While this may seem like a radical approach by U.S. standards, it is likely safe for most women, and especially helpful for women living far from an abortion facility.

The launch of Aid Access comes at a time when women increasingly are faced with restrictions to accessing abortion care. Now more than ever, there is a need to expand the ways that women can obtain the abortion care that they need. Medication abortion, which represents about a third of all abortions provided in health care settings, has the capacity to offer women more choices and to reduce many existing barriers to abortion care.

Continued: https://www.salon.com/2018/11/28/with-abortion-clinic-restrictions-tightening-women-want-more-access-at-home/