Ghana – Papa Ralph Hotline To Provide Quick Abortion Information

Papa Ralph Hotline To Provide Quick Abortion Information

By Raphael Godlove Ahenu

Global Media Foundation, human rights media advocacy organization will soon introduce safe abortion information telephone hotlines such as Papa Ralph and Maame Esi in Ghana in helping to provide quick and adequate information on abortion and contraceptives to women especially vulnerable and hard-to-reach young girls who may be considering that option. Such measures according to GLOMEF could reduce maternal morbidity and mortality that results from unsafe abortions in Ghana.

The Founder/CEO of GLOMEF, Raphael Godlove Ahenu who made this known to media, said cultural and religious unacceptability of safe abortion as contributing factor to unsafe abortion practices in Ghana making many women especially young girls indulged in unsafe abortions because they feared the stigma that accompanied unwed pregnancy.


Half of the Abortion Applicants in Israel Claim Pregnancy Is Out of Wedlock, Study Says

Half of the Abortion Applicants in Israel Claim Pregnancy Is Out of Wedlock, Study Says
A study by the Central Bureau of Statistics found that half of the applicants for abortions in 2016 claimed their pregnancies were out of wedlock to avoid invasive examinations or providing medical records

Ido Efrati
Dec 19, 2018

Half the women in Israel who applied to abortion committees in 2016 claimed they were not married to the man who impregnated them, the Central Bureau of Statistics said Tuesday.

Some nine percent of pregnancies in Israel are aborted intentionally. In 2016, 18,032 women applied to their local termination of pregnancy committee, as required to obtain approval for an abortion. Of these, 92.3 percent were approved.
