60 hours, 50 abortions: A California doctor’s monthly commute to a Texas clinic

60 hours, 50 abortions: A California doctor’s monthly commute to a Texas clinic

By Soumya Karlamangla
Jan 24, 2019

The protesters are already positioned when she pulls up in her rental car. One lurches at women approaching the clinic, rosary beads dangling from her outstretched palm. Another hands patients tiny fetus dolls that match their skin color.

The doctor tries to ignore them. There are demonstrators at every abortion clinic and they’re all the same, she thinks: a nuisance. In Northern California, where she lives, a man yells, “Don’t take the blood money,” as she arrives at work.

Continued: https://www.latimes.com/local/great-reads/la-me-col1-abortion-doctor-20190124-htmlstory.html