Argentine group says 3,000 Catholics quit church over abortion

Argentine group says 3,000 Catholics quit church over abortion

24 August 2018

BUENOS AIRES (AFP) - Thousands of Argentine Catholics on Friday renounced their membership in the church to protest its opposition to a bill that would have legalized abortion in Pope Francis's homeland, a group said.

A list of signatures from Catholics angered at the church's role was presented to the Argentine Episcopal Conference at its headquarters in Buenos Aires.


Argentines urged to quit Catholic church after it helps defeat abortion law

Argentines urged to quit Catholic church after it helps defeat abortion law

By Paul Byrne and Leo La Valle
Associated Press
August 19, 2018

BUENOS AIRES — Hundreds of people gathered in Buenos Aires on Saturday to oppose the influence of religion on Argentine politics and encourage people to quit the Roman Catholic Church in the wake of a Senate vote not to legalize some abortions.

The event, called ‘‘Collective Apostasy,’’ centered on a signature drive for Argentines wanting to renounce their affiliation to the church through a form that will later be given to the Episcopal Conference in the homeland of Pope Francis.
