How Margaret Atwood predicted America’s future in The Handmaid’s Tale

How Margaret Atwood predicted America’s future in The Handmaid’s Tale

Posted by Jean Hannah Edelstein
Published Jun 18, 2019

“If you return to your country of origin, would you be persecuted on the basis of you being a woman?”

On the bank of a dark river, a Canadian customs official speaks these words to a woman who is lying on the ground, drenched in freezing river water, clutching a baby. She has just completed a harrowing near-death journey across the border, and this is part of the script that the officer must recite in order for her to seek refuge in Canada. The woman nods, shivering and frantic. “Do you wish to claim asylum?” the guard asks.


The last taboo – is TV finally ready to discuss abortion?

The last taboo – is TV finally ready to discuss abortion?

Its depiction on the small screen has historically been problematic but shows like Scandal, Girls and Jane The Virgin indicate that could be changing

by Ellen E Jones
Monday 13 March 2017

That dreaded blue line on the little plastic stick. A pair of jeans that no longer zips up. Retching into the nearest bin at work. Unplanned pregnancy has been fertile fodder for TV drama, yet always within curiously coy limits. But now that there’s a new administration in the US that has made dismantling reproductive rights a first-week-in-office priority, is TV finally ready to talk abortion?

Shows such as Scandal, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and Girls have already featured major storylines in which unhappily up-the-duff women explore all their options, but this spring a new 10-part series promises to be TV’s most prescient depiction of women’s reproductive rights to date.

Continued at source: The Guardian: