What I’ve learnt running a pro-choice stall in Belfast every week

What I've learnt running a pro-choice stall in Belfast every week

The draconian abortion laws in Northern Ireland are a disgrace, and every Saturday I take to the streets to convince people we need to change them

Emma Gallen
July 9, 2017

In April 2016, a young woman living in Northern Ireland took abortion pills she ordered from the internet. Her housemates reported her to the police, and the Public Prosecution Service decided to bring her to trial.

The maximum sentence she faced was life imprisonment; she received a three-month suspended sentence. I felt I had to do something.

Continued at source: The Independent: https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/abortion-northern-ireland-womens-issues-choice-a7831561.html

Northern Ireland: Abortion pills ordered online seized by PSNI

Abortion pills ordered online seized by PSNI
Ellen Coyne

March 12 2017, The Sunday Times

Authorities in Northern Ireland have launched a crackdown on abortion pills being ordered online.

The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) raided two addresses in Belfast, and had a warrant to confiscate the phone and laptop of a person at one of the premises.

Continued at source: The Times: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/abortion-pills-ordered-online-seized-by-psni-6g2t0zq58?shareToken=fb6cc6e18b0476d76814038cbfe53b11

Northern Ireland: Alliance for Choice video on police crackdown on abortion pills

Alliance for Choice, March 12, 2017

ALL political parties in Northern Ireland expressed will to decriminalise women seeking abortion in the recent election period and yet the PSNI and PPS continue to pursue and prosecute people seeking abortion or people helping others to seek abortion. This has been reinforced by raids by the PSNI which have taken place over the past week, which this latest video addresses.

If you are outraged by this situation, share far and wide and contact your newly elected MLAs and your constituency MP to demand support for the vote on the Westminster bill on Monday 13th March to #trustwomen.

Video: https://m.facebook.com/video_redirect/?src=https%3A%2F%2Fvideo-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net%2Fv%2Ft42.1790-2%2F17209742_1021714484628699_349743022319075328_n.mp4%3Fefg%3DeyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6InN2ZV9zZCJ9%26oh%3D766384fb5e0d049d0336de85777f5c5c%26oe%3D58C5A6F5&source=misc&id=1007721389361986&nowarning=0&refid=52&__tn__=F

Source: Alliance for Choice: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1007721389361986&id=683223451811783&_rdr