UN Urges El Salvador to Decriminalize Abortion in Certain Cases

UN Urges El Salvador to Decriminalize Abortion in Certain Cases

Published 8 May 2017

The Central American nation upholds a total ban on abortion, which jails women for miscarriages and ends up prioritizing fetuses over women's lives.

A group of experts at the United Nations said Monday El Salvador's Congress should decriminalize abortion in specific circumstances to protect women's rights and bring the country in line with international human rights standards.

The U.N. Working Groups and Special Rapporteurs urged the Central American to "seize an exceptional opportunity to advance the protection of the human rights of women and girls" by reviewing the Article 133 of its penal code which outlines penalties for women who seek or cause an abortion.

Continued at source: Telesurvtv: http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/UN-Urges-El-Salvador-to-Decriminalize-Abortion-in-Certain-Cases-20170508-0016.html