UK abortion law is outdated, not evidence based, and prevents best practice

Hayley Webb: UK abortion law is outdated, not evidence based, and prevents best practice

We must build on the momentum of this year to ensure that women across the UK can truly have governance over their own bodies

October 30, 2018

There is an air of hopeful anticipation within the abortion rights movement. So far, 2018 has brought much cause to celebrate. In March, the 50th anniversary of the implementation of the Abortion Act marked 50 years of safe provision in the UK. Then in May came the landslide vote in favour of repealing the eighth amendment in Ireland. A victory undoubtedly in part due to the collective voice of Irish doctors who came forward in their hundreds to stand up for women, sharing their powerful stories from the frontline and debunking the abundant harmful abortion myths. June and August brought approval for home use of Misoprostol in England and Wales, meaning that women will soon be able to take the second pill for early medical abortion in the comfort of their own homes. This came as a legal challenge to home use in Scotland, which had led the way in 2017, was successfully defended.


Poland might ban abortion but European women will find another way – however dangerous

by Ann Furedi Chief Executive of BPAS

24 September 2016, The Telegraph

Women in Poland already face harsh restrictions on abortion. To end a pregnancy safely usually means a journey abroad to a more liberal country, or the payment of an extortionate sum to one of the many private doctors who condemn abortion in public, while profiteering from it in private.

Unlike in Britain, where the abortion laws are currently interpreted liberally, in Poland they are incredibly conservative.

So conservative, in fact, that some women have been compelled to continue pregnancies in the face of serious illness.

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Source: The Telegraph