Kansas abortion provider counters ‘devastation’ inflicted by restrictions on out-of-state patients

New podcast episode: Emily Wales, CEO of Planned Parenthood Great Plains, discusses challenges of Kansas’ abortion landscape

Rachel Mipro
Aug 28, 2023

OVERLAND PARK — One mirrored building wall of the Planned Parenthood Great Plains office is covered with a painted uterus, with flowers drawn on the side and and a fist in the middle, punching up at a sunflower. Next to it is a slogan, bearing the phrase in giant words, “Thank you Kansas Voters!”

Look at either of these images too long, or take pictures of it, and out comes a security guard, ready to make sure the observer doesn’t harbor ill intent.

Continued: https://kansasreflector.com/2023/08/28/kansas-abortion-provider-counters-devastation-inflicted-by-restrictions-on-out-of-state-patients/

USA – What’s It Like to Get an Abortion in Georgia

What’s It Like to Get an Abortion in Georgia

by Kimberly Lawson
Nov 25 2019

Georgia made national headlines in May when Governor Brian Kemp signed into law a bill that would ban abortion after 6 weeks and define fetuses as people. While the law has been blocked as legal challenges proceed against it, the reality is that it's already difficult to get an abortion in the state.

What Georgia state law says about abortion:

People seeking abortions in Georgia face a number of restrictions. Abortions are prohibited after 20 weeks unless the pregnant person's life is in danger, their physical health will be severely compromised, or there's a lethal fetal anomaly.

Continued: https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/8xwyqg/whats-it-like-to-get-an-abortion-in-georgia