UK: 50 years after abortion became legal we remain stuck in the past on reproductive rights

50 years after abortion became legal we remain stuck in the past on reproductive rights
If you’d asked me about this 30 years ago, I’d have said we just needed to wait it out.

By Glosswitch, 27 October 2017

Do you ever find yourself looking back on how you thought the future would be, amazed at how wrong you could get it? These days I’m doing this more and more. If you’d told 12-year-old me what life would be like in 2017, I’d never have believed you.

Technology has progressed beyond my wildest dreams. Who’d have thought we’d now be developing artificial wombs, rapeable sexbots and robot-staffed blow job cafes? Not me, that’s for sure. Instead I had this crazy idea that by the time I hit my forties, flesh-and-blood women would be treated like fully autonomous human beings. If only I’d stuck to flying skateboards, I’d have saved myself so much disappointment.

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