UK: Abortion on Trial review – Anne Robinson succeeds in getting viewers to consider the wider issues

Abortion on Trial review – Anne Robinson succeeds in getting viewers to consider the wider issues

Isabel Mohan
16 October 2017

Anne Robinson’s country pile was the unlikely venue for a weekend of heated debates on pregnancy termination in Abortion on Trial (BBC Two). Robinson, who it transpired had an abortion in 1968, just a few months after they were partially legalised, invited eight women and one man to lounge around in her lovely Gloucestershire home while discussing their strong views on the subject.

At the more extreme end of the scale was Rachel, a vehemently pro-life 47 year old teacher – vehemently pro-life, it turned out, as a result of her regrets over her own two terminations. “I murdered my children” she said, although later backtracked on her use of the word “murder”.

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