UK: The Guardian view on 50 years of legal abortion: let’s finish the work

The Guardian view on 50 years of legal abortion: let’s finish the work
David Steel’s act was a job half done. Abortion is not a crime, it’s a matter of health

Thursday 26 October 2017

It is 50 years on Friday since David Steel’s abortion act became law. It did not come into force until the following April. In those six months, it is likely that around 70 women died from sepsis or some other cause resulting from illegal abortion: in the previous decade, it claimed at least 150 lives a year, the biggest single cause of maternal mortality. Activists in a campaign that began in the 1930s toasted victory with champagne. But one veteran, who had had an illegal abortion herself, dampened the celebrations. They should be drinking half-glasses, she said, for the job was only half done.

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