Una Mullally: Ireland’s tipping point on abortion just took to the streets

This generation is not going to take what they have inherited in the Constitution
Sun, Sep 25, 2016, 19:00

Una Mullally

Last Friday evening, the eve of the fifth March for Choice, feminist and LGBT activist Ailbhe Smyth gave a speech at Liberty Hall. She talked about a tipping point that occurred during the summer, when the movement to repeal the Eighth Amendment took on a new momentum.

It’s hard to pinpoint when things actually change. We can attempt to triangulate with hindsight, but there is no algorithm for change. We say it’s in the air because it’s so hard to grasp. It is a coming together of moments and minds, from which a movement springs. But sometimes, the abstract becomes very real, the feeling of something happening is manifested. On Saturday, at the March for Choice organised by the Abortion Rights Campaign, the tipping point took to the streets.

“That was a long bus trip, wasn’t it?” A woman was talking to her friend in Centra on Parnell Street while ordering a sandwich at the deli counter. Men and women got up early and travelled from all parts of the country to join the estimated 30,000 who marched in the drizzle.

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Source: Irish Times