Oct 25, 2016
Recently, Eliana Capretti from the European Green Party spoke to the leader of the Polish greens, Malgorzata Tracz, about the Black Protest and the continuing struggle for abortion rights in Poland.
The Greens are one of the main members of the “Ratujmy Kobiety” (rescue women) committee that gathered over 215,000 signatures for the liberalisation of the abortion law. When the Polish Parliament decided to proceed with the “Stop abortion” project and reject the liberalisation project “Ratujmy Kobiety”, ‘black protests’ started in Poland. This was the first time in modern Polish history that hundreds of thousands of Poles protested on the streets to protect women’s rights. The Greens took part in the main protests and demonstrations. Right now they continue fighting for the liberalisation of an abortion law and are co-organising the second “Polish women on strike” protest (second black Monday). This interview was originally published on the website of the European Greens.
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Source: Green European Journal