
Abortion-News-logoStay up to date with Abortion News!

This pro-choice website posts breaking news articles on abortion rights from around the world. Not just news – we also post opinion, commentary, videos, podcasts, film and book reviews, and other media about abortion.

We invite you to subscribe to our news feed (enter your email at right, or click the RSS feed button at top right). Also, please feel free to submit links to us for our posting consideration. (You can also contact us by email at mail@abortion-news.info.)

Everything we post is automatically added to our Archives. You can search past stories by date, topic, country, region, and category (news, opinion etc.)  Keep in mind that we began in July 2016 so we don’t have much before that date.

Note: We do not post things from right-wing or anti-choice sources.  Also, we rarely post academic studies, as there are other sources for that (such as PubMed).

This website is operated by “Initiative for Reproductive Health Information (IRHI) – Initiative zur Information über Reproduktive Gesundheit, a registered not for profit association based in Vienna, Austria. A team of global pro-choice IT people and activists run the website.

Note: We have no desire to infringe the copyright of any news media or periodical. In general, we post only the link and a brief excerpt from the piece, giving full credit to the author and publication and a link to the original source. However, if you feel that we have infringed a copyright, please contact us with the details and we will remove the article. The articles reposted on this site are provided for the purposes of review, research, private study, and the reporting of current events related to abortion. None of the material contained herein is for commercial use.

Contact us at: mail@abortion-news.info.

Here is our Nov 26, 2016 press release announcing the website.

(Logo is shared from our sister page, Global Abortion Rights News Facebook page, which posts many of the same news articles. The logo is used with their permission. Logo design by Joyce Arthur.)

this website is powered by:
Verein IRHI Initiative for Reproductive Health Information,
IRHI – Initiative zur Information über Reproduktive Gesundheit
1150 Wien, Mariahilfer Gürtel 37
ZVR: 228794819


The content of this website has been carefully compiled and checked. Nevertheless, IRHI assumes no responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of the published content and pictures. We reserve the right to make changes as we see fit.
 Should any content of this website is incomplete or incorrect, please inform us by email.
Despite careful selection, we assume no liability for the content of external links. Operators of those websites are responsible for the content of linked pages.
Design & Production:
 Fox medialab & design,
A-1070 Vienna, Halbgasse 7
Tel: +43/1/5224028
email: office@fox.co.at
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Jurisdiction: Landesgericht Wien