Report finds independent abortion clinics face more threats, decline post-Dobbs

It’s a tough time to run an abortion clinic.

By Caroline Catherman
December 11, 2024

In May 2023, a man drove a car through a future reproductive health clinic in Danville, Illinois. He arrived with bottles of gasoline, a hatchet, road flares, and matches with plans to set it on fire, authorities reported.

While no one was harmed, the clinic, Affirmative Care Solutions, hasn’t been able to open.

Affirmative Care Solutions Director LaDonna Prince said this is just one example of growing hostility toward her shrinking profession.


USA – As Abortion Access Shrinks, Hospitals Fill in the Gaps

By Allison McCann, Photographs by Jamie Kelter Davis
Oct. 23, 2023
For this article, Allison McCann and Jamie Kelter Davis spent time with a patient from Indiana as she underwent an abortion at a Chicago hospital.

A. wanted a cheeseburger and to go home. She had made the three-hour trip from Indianapolis to Chicago a day earlier and had been at the hospital since 6:30 a.m., with an empty stomach, waiting to be taken into an operating room to have an abortion.

It was her second trip to Chicago in two weeks, and the third time she had tried to end her pregnancy.


Abortion bans fuel a rise in high-risk patients heading to Illinois hospitals

By Kristen Schorsch, WBEZ Chicago
SEPTEMBER 14, 2023

When she was around 22 weeks pregnant, the patient found out that the son she was carrying didn’t have kidneys and his lungs wouldn’t develop. If he survived the birth, he would struggle to breathe and die within hours.

The patient had a crushing decision to make: continue the pregnancy — which could be a risk to her health and her ability to have children in the future — or have an abortion.


Abortion bans are fueling a rise in high-risk patients heading to Illinois hospitals

August 23, 2023
By Kristen Schorsch
3-Minute Listen with Transcript

When she was around 22 weeks pregnant, the patient found out that the son she was carrying didn't have kidneys and his lungs wouldn't develop. If he survived the birth, he would struggle to breathe and die within hours.

The patient had a crushing decision to make: continue the pregnancy — which could be a risk to her health and her ability to have children in the future — or have an abortion.


Last year’s US Supreme Court ruling left women struggling to find abortions

Evelyn Hockstein, Gabriella Borter
July 22, 2023

The day Alan Braid opened his abortion clinic for business in Albuquerque, New Mexico, last August, he looked out at a waiting room full of patients fresh off trips from Texas, some with suitcases in tow.

Several months later, Dr Braid’s daughter Andrea Gallegos drew a similar crowd to the opening of their abortion clinic in Carbondale, Illinois, with patients arriving from far-flung states to end pregnancies.


How one quiet Illinois college town became the symbol of abortion rights in America

Chris Kenning, USA TODAY
Jun. 4, 2023

CARBONDALE, Ill. – The 26-year-old had never heard of the distant southern Illinois town, but it had become the closest option.

So she cobbled together money. Found child care. Asked her brother for a ride. And set off early one morning to drive north across state lines to 22,000-person Carbondale.


As South bans abortion, thousands turn to Illinois clinics

Mar 25, 2023

FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS, Ill. (AP) — Dr. Colleen McNicholas is fresh off performing two abortions when a ringing phone quickly stops her.

“Oh, ugh,” she said, eyes widened, before she darted off to another room.

Just the day before, 58 women had abortions at the Fairview Heights’ Planned Parenthood clinic, 15 miles east of St. Louis. But the new day is still stacked with appointments; as many as 100 abortion and family planning patients might walk through the doors.


Inside the plan to create an abortion refuge for a post-Roe era

Abortion providers in blue-state Illinois are laying the groundwork for an influx of patients from states poised to ban abortion if the Supreme Court overturns its landmark precedent

By Caroline Kitchener
March 28, 2022

FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS, Ill. — When the woman called Planned Parenthood to schedule her abortion, Alexandria Ball picked up the phone and explained exactly what would happen next.

Ball and her colleagues would book her bus ticket to Illinois.

They would put her up in a hotel.


USA – Illegal abortion leads to circle of tragedy

Chicago’s 1941 “Million Dollar Abortion Ring” is a reminder of what we’ve got in store if Roe v. Wade gets overturned.

By Neil Steinberg 
Jun 15, 2021

An abortion cost $50 in Chicago in 1941.

Kinda cheap — $800 in today’s dollars — considering it was an illegal procedure, performed in secret, condemned by the church at a time when organized religion had even more of a stranglehold on American society than it does now, which is really saying something.


USA – Correcting the Record on Abortion During COVID-19: A Q&A With Dr. Erin King

Correcting the Record on Abortion During COVID-19: A Q&A With Dr. Erin King
"You can’t wait one week, two weeks, five weeks. You’ve got to do it right then. It’s got to be accessible."

Apr 21, 2020
Regina Mahone

It’s never been a scarier or more critical time to be a physician providing abortions in the United States—let alone a human being trying to exist and care for loved ones during a literal pandemic.

The list of things keeping Dr. Erin King up at night grew longer as we spoke last week by phone.
