Survey finds dangers of unsafe abortion practices in Solomons

9 November 2022
Susana Suisuiki, RNZ Pacific Journalist

A report on women's health in Solomon Islands has revealed that unsafe abortion practices is a serious public health issue.

The Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood Association (SIPPA) study surveyed women across the Solomons to gather their personal experiences with abortion and contraception.


Women’s Health Report Ignites Discussions In Solomon Islands

Friday, 21 October 2022
Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood Association

Yesterday, the Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood Association (SIPPA) launched a women’s health report that highlighted the determinants, practices and consequences of unsafe abortion in Solomon Islands, documenting a serious public health issue.

“Though the report is on unsafe abortion, that is the last stage. We all need to work together to ensure that our women, our girls, our future have access to sexual reproductive health. SIPPA cannot do it alone – we need your help, if our people have access to the right information and right services than we won’t have many cases of unsafe abortion” Ben Agoa, SIPPA Executive Director.
