Abortion in Uzbekistan: Legal, Accessible, Declining

Abortion in Uzbekistan has never been politicized as it has been in the West, but terminating a pregnancy is still becoming less common.

By Niginakhon Saida
November 29, 2022

In Uzbekistan, women have always had access to safe abortion. Current legislation allows the termination of a pregnancy within the first 12 weeks and at any stage if the pregnancy threatens the mother’s health or life. The law lists 86 types of various life and health threatening medical indications, including severe types of diabetes, hereditary and degenerative mental disorders, mood disorders, epilepsy, and more. Age is also viewed as a risk factor and girls under 14 are allowed to access abortion.

At the same time, abortion and the delivering of babies have long been among nine types of medical practices that cannot be performed by private medical entities, along with organ transplants, blood donation, providing medical-forensic examinations and other similar medical services. Such services are restricted to the government in part as an effort to prevent the sale of children and the illegal documentation of births and deaths.

Continued: https://thediplomat.com/2022/11/abortion-in-uzbekistan-legal-accessible-declining/

Regional Conference on Bringing the WHO Recommendations on Safe Abortion and Family Planning Closer to Women in Countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia

EASTERN EUROPE / CENTRAL ASIA – Regional Conference on Bringing the WHO Recommendations on Safe Abortion and Family Planning Closer to Women in Countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia

by International Campaign for Women's Right to Safe Abortion
December 18, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova, 15-16 November 2018

Organised by the Reproductive Health Training Centre, Moldova, with support from the Safe Abortion Action Fund

There were 65 participants. The meeting was in Russian with simultaneous translation in English. Participants included health professionals, health policymakers and NGO representatives from 11 counties in the region – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Russia.

Continued: http://www.safeabortionwomensright.org/eastern-europe-central-asia-regional-conference-on-bringing-the-who-recommendations-on-safe-abortion-and-family-planning-closer-to-women-in-countries-of-eastern-europe-and-central-asia/

Kyrgyzstan – Improvement of availability and quality of safe abortion services discussed in Bishkek

Improvement of availability and quality of safe abortion services discussed in Bishkek

Bishkek, Nov. 21, 2018. /Kabar/

A technical meeting on “Improvement of availability and quality of safe abortion services” is being held in Bishkek.

Experts told that despite the existence of safe, simple and effective interventions based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, almost 22 million unsafe abortions are performed annually, which continues to contribute considerably to the global burden of maternal morbidity and mortality.

In Kyrgyzstan, in 2015, the maternal mortality rate was the highest among the Central Asian countries, 6.3 times higher than in Kazakhstan, 2.4 times higher than in Tajikistan, 1.8 times higher than in Turkmenistan, and 2.1 times higher than in Uzbekistan.

Continued: http://kabar.kg/eng/news/improvement-of-availability-and-quality-of-safe-abortion-services-discussed-in-bishkek/