Written by Carey Dunne. Quartz
September 07, 2016
When Fia Kavanagh was 17, about to graduate from school in a suburb of Dublin, Ireland, she discovered that she was pregnant. Her college entrance exams were two weeks away, and she had just broken up with her boyfriend of several years. “I knew I couldn’t give a child the life I’d want it to have,” Kavanagh says. “Two parents, brothers and sisters, a home.”
But Kavanagh didn’t have the options available to many other teenagers with unplanned pregnancies. Ireland still has some of the most restrictive abortion laws in the world. It’s the only country in Europe besides Malta in which abortion is illegal, except when the procedure is necessary to save a woman’s life. Even in cases of pregnancy as a result of rape or incest, abortion can be punished by up to 14 years in prison.
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Source: Quartz