23-09-2016, Irish Council for Civil Liberties
‘Your Rights Right Now’ Press release – for immediate release
Dublin and Geneva, 23 September 2016
Irish civil society groups will address the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva today (Friday 23 September 2016), regarding chronic shortcomings in Ireland's human rights record, especially in relation to the rights of women. Today's hearing under the United Nations Universal Periodic Review (UPR) comes on the eve of what is expected to be the biggest-ever March for Choice in Dublin.
Speaking on behalf of the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) led Your Rights Right Now coalition, Pia Janning will tell the UN Human Rights Council that the coalition "urges the State to fully protect the reproductive rights of women and girls in Ireland including their right to access safe and legal abortion, through Constitutional and legislative reform."
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Source: Irish Council for Civil Liberties