‘Medicare for All’ Bill Could Be Single Greatest Advancement in Reproductive Health Care in a Century
Sep 13, 2017
Jodi Jacobson
The bill from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) would unapologetically cover comprehensive reproductive health care (yes, including abortion) for everyone in the United States.
As the GOP continues to look for ways to take health insurance coverage away from millions of people in the United States, and the Trump administration does its part to sabotage Obamacare insurance markets and enrollments, Senate Democrats are quickly coalescing around a “Medicare for All Act of 2017” to be introduced Wednesday by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Rewire reviewed an advanced copy of the legislation, which would establish a national health insurance program for every resident of the United States.
Continued at source: Rewire: https://rewire.news/article/2017/09/13/medicare-bill-single-greatest-advancement-reproductive-health-care-century/